Thursday, June 01, 2006

Dirty Sugar Cookies Virtual Book Tour Day 1

Rabbit, Rabbit, my friends. (I had this teacher in theater school who maintained that those should always be the first words out of your mouth on the first of the month. Beats me why, and lord knows two hundred some first of the months have passed me by with nary a rabbit, rabbit…Just think, maybe if I’d remembered, I’d be a star of stage and screen. Rabbit! Rabbit!)

Even for those of us who forgot to double our rabbits upon waking, today is still an auspicious day, as it is the first day of the Dirty Sugar Cookies Virtual Book Tour! Yay!!! YAY!!!! 30 blogs in 30 days and boy are my arms tired, though I don’t have to worry about whether there’s a sesame seed stuck between my teeth or any of those other authorial concerns that plague one on a non-virtual book tour. Every day, a fellow blogger will let me park my virtual tour bus on their cyber lawn, in celebration of my new book, Dirty Sugar Cookies: Culinary Observations, Questionable Taste. That’s the itinerary to your right, as well as a link to an email notification list that’ll keep you abreast of the blog du jour before self-destructing in a shower of candy on June 30.

Today’s Special is hosted by Beatrice, who’s persuaded me to wag my tongue a bit more than the royal Spin Doctor would prefer, but come on! Who doesn’t have pet peeves with regard to the food memoir genre?


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